Departures and arrivals have resumed at Toronto Pearson as of 5 p.m. All 76 passengers and four crew from Delta flight 4819 were accounted for. A number of passengers were taken to local hospitals. The airport remains open. Passengers are advised to check their flight status before coming to the airport.

Before you start

Constructor on-boarding

If you are a new contractor working directly for the GTAA or if you are renewing your expiring GTAA Safety Pre-Qualification: access and read the GTAA Contractor Safety Pre-Qualification Guidelines 2025 which will help you with filling out your submission to the CCPO. 

Use these links for the GTAA Safety Prequalification Guide & form:

Submit your application to the Construction Compliance and Permits Office (CCPO) at for assessment & issuance of your GTAA Safety Prequalification Letter.

If any further information is needed, the CCPO will contact you directly during our assessment review.

Once all required documentation is submitted and reviewed, the CCPO will then send you a “Contractor Safety Pre-Qualification Status Letter” specifying the type of work you have been pre-qualified to undertake for the GTAA with an expiry date. 

You will need to renew your safety pre-qualification every three years. During the three-year valid period, you must include a copy of your issued Status Letter with all submissions to the GTAA during the competitive bidding (either request for proposal or tender) process.

In addition, Contractors must maintain their Occupational Health and Safety Program manual up-to-date and must submit their updated version to the CCPO when revisions are made with clear details of all revisions from the previous version submitted.

Constructors (construction managers or general contractors)

Contractors taking on the role of constructor for GTAA projects greater than $5 million in value must have a certified occupational health and safety management system i.e., Certificate of Recognition (COR®) 2020, ISO 45001:2018. These constructors must confirm their certification by submitting their IHSA issued COR® certificate and Letter of Good Standing for COR® certification, or their ISO certificate issued by an accredited certification body that is recognized by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). This certification demonstrates the constructor’s health and safety management system has been developed, implemented, and will be evaluated on an annual basis through comprehensive internal and external audits and checks.

All GTAA Safety Pre-Qualified Contractors shall re-submit their Occupational Health & Safety Policy and Program whenever it is updated to the CCPO for our records.

Access to Projectwise and eShare

Consultants and contractors working on Pearson-sponsored projects at the airport can ask for direct access to these systems:

  • ProjectWise – technical document management system,
  • eShare – cloud-based document collaboration and transfer system, where direct access to ProjectWise is not required.

To request access to either system, ask your Pearson Project Manager or Tenant representative.

Data provision requests

Data provisions are prepared every Friday for requests received before the end of business on Wednesday of the same week.

To request engineering data, fill out the Data Request Form  (PDF, 139 KB) and include the following details:

  • GTAA project manager, or leasing representative
  • GTAA project number or lease agreement number, if assigned
  • Detailed description of project
  • Specific location of project
  • Recipient of information

Our Engineering Data unit will deliver a transmittal document to the recipient listed in your request form. The transmittal document must be signed and returned to the GTAA by a signing authority of the requesting company before data will be given.

By signing, the requesting company acknowledges and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions laid out on the transmittal document and commits to provide final as-built and/or record data to the GTAA upon completion of the project.

Questions? Contact the Engineering Data Team at

Drawing number requests

Drawings numbers can only be assigned by our Engineering Data unit. Please prepare a list of drawings in Excel format and forward to the supervisor engineering of data operations. The list should include a drawing description, sheet numbers (if applicable) and be grouped by discipline.

Record data submissions

When a construction project is complete, you must submit your final documentation, which must include:

  • A single contiguous CADD dataset for each engineering discipline as laid out in our CADD Standard Guide (PDF, 446 KB)
  • Adobe PDF and source CADD sheet files of stamped as-built files

Before starting design, review the Record Data Submissions Guide  (PDF, 729 KB) to avoid delays for your project's final close-out.

If you have any questions about the our requirements, contact the Engineering Data unit at


All contractors and workers working on and accessing the Airside are required to complete the following Five (5) courses. Upon successful completion of the training, and a passing score on the knowledge check, a certificate can be printed for your records and to demonstrate to the GTAA the completion of the training.

  1. SMS Awareness Training
  2. Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Training
  3. Human and Organizational Factors Training
  4. Facility Control Measures and Evacuation Plan
  5. Airside Activity Permit