Our environment

Addressing climate change
Through initiatives to decrease greenhouse gases and evolving Pearson to mitigate the changing climate.

Waste management
Our initiatives include recycling beyond the regular recycling program, stormwater management and glycol recovery from the glycol used to deice planes.Initiatives for a healthy environment
Our initiatives include transforming industrial areas into eco-industrial areas, air quality monitoring and improvement initiatives, honey bee hives and wildlife management.

Our Environmental Management System (EMS)
Our EMS meets the specifications of the ISO 14001 international standard and is audited annually. In 1999, Toronto Pearson become the first North American Airport to achieve ISO 14001 certification.Environmental assessments and compliance
We are required to follow the Impact Assessment Act (IAA) for any projects identified by the Act. This allows us to identify any possible environmental effects before the work begins and take appropriate action to mitigate these effects. The assessment includes both biophysical and socio-economic effects and ensures that we are managing our potential impacts.