How we’re keeping Pearson Green

This year, we announced our commitment to achieve net zero Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, from assets owned and controlled by the GTAA, by 2050. Known as scope 1 and 2 GHGs, this commitment to net zero forms a significant part of our Environmental Policy.

We’ve come a long way on our environmental journey, and Pearson was recently awarded the 2020 Environmental Achievement award for our GHG reductions, and the winner of the 2021 #race2reduce CREST Award in the Performance Leadership - Landmark Building category for our energy conservation efforts.

Continuing our support for GHG reduction, the GTAA continues to invest in energy conservation and greenhouse gas reducing technologies, including:

  • piloting the use of electric boilers in terminal spaces during off peak hours, to preheat water in order to save energy/gas
  • replaced over 20 electric GSE charging stations
  • invested in replacing over 2,100 LED inset lights for our movement and maneuvering areas to generate the benefits of upgraded visibility and reduced energy usage
There is lots more to come on the environmental front. Learn more about environmental programs at Toronto Pearson.